Check out Funktion Home for adorable textiles for a colorful pop inside and out. They carry several kitchen items like dishtowels and pot holders to really sweet baby accessories.
I'm a 25 year old stay-at-home wife and graphic artist who is fascinated with design of all forms. The Mr. and I were married in February 2009. We have three kids...who walk on four legs and have tails. We currently live in Austin. When I'm not behind the computer or the camera, I delight in interior design. I enjoy crafting, DIY, garage sales, flea markets, junk restoration and repurposing, collecting, and creative redesigning. I gravitate towards unrefined textures, old and rustic surfaces, white interiors with bright pops of color, unusual collections, uncommon objects and the stories behind them, shabby fabrics, and lots of natural light. I've found a new comfort in these creations and seek everyday to share the love I've found for making houses feel like homes.